

Designed by: Maria Paula Hernandez   Group: Stanford BIOE44 - S11   (2018-12-12)

For the device, we synthesized elements of the RGB system’s circuit to produce a blue light “switch” to toggle between mCherry production and no mCherry production. The system was engineered produce mCherry under normal conditions and inhibit it in the presence of blue light. The functionality of our device is divided into 2 subsystems. In the first phase, blue light is detected through the YF1 chimeric histidine kinase, which is inhibited by 470 nm light and otherwise switched on7. In the absence of blue light, YF1 phosphorylates the regulator FixJ. We were able to transform YF1 and FixJ into the E.coli cells through a cotransformation. Ideally this process would allow us to create fluorescent images in E. coli plated via specific localization of blue light.
